The Super Maths Quiz is designed to be a Daily Review activity for Mathematics lessons.
The Super Maths Quiz is a large collection of Mathematics quizzes allowing Mathematics teachers to generate endless sets of randomly generated questions for a wide variety of Mathematical topics. The topics are all foundational topics, which should be reviewed regularly throughout the year to help students refine their Mathematical ability.
The way I use the Super Maths Quiz is to have it displayed on the projector screen before my students enter the classroom (my projector projects onto a whiteboard allowing me to write on top of the projection). I pre-select the quiz from the drop-down menu so that students know which Super Maths Quiz we will be doing today. As my students enter the classroom, I ask them to get ready for the Super Maths Quiz! This means that students need to take out their Maths notebook and pen, rule up their page, and write down the numbers 1 - 10, without me needing to give any other instructions. I simply greet them, and ask them to prepare for the Super Maths Quiz, and they do the rest. If any students become distracted and start chatting with other students, I remind them they can chat once they are ready for Super Maths Quiz.
I typically stick to one quiz topic each week, and try to select a quiz topic that is related to the Mathematical concept students are learning that week. This allows students a chance to be supported through remembering how to solve the quiz questions at the start of the week, and then hopefully reach independence by the end of the week before starting a new quiz topic the following week. At the start of the lesson, I will typically only run the quiz once, but if the students need it, I sometimes hit the "Generate Questions" button again to run another quiz on the same day. Sometimes I use the timer, sometimes I don't, it all depends on what the students need that day.
Before I display the answers, I first use "non-volunteers" from around the room to tell me the answers to each question. Sometimes I will write the working out inside the grey box to assist students to gain momentum, sometimes I'll just write the answer to one question to give them a "free-bee". Once all answers have been written on the board I tick the "Show all answers" checkbox to display the correct answers, and we then check to see if we made any mistakes. I try not to identify the student who gave any incorrect answers, instead we just rub out the answer, write the full working out, and ensure it evaluates to the same answer as the one displayed. Teachers can uncheck individual answers using the other tickboxes.
The Super Maths Quiz is a project of mine. I am a Mathematics teacher in Australia. If you have feedback, ideas or would just like to let me know who you are and if you find this website useful, please email me at
The Super Maths Quiz by Cameron Ross is licensed under CC BY 4.0